Cinga Nohaji Inc. (CN Inc.) is a recently formed law firm, formed by its sole director and founding partner Cinga Nohaji in October 2015.

Our firm has particular interest in the following areas of practise public interest law litigation, personal injury claims, general commercial and criminal litigation, debt collection, property law, labour law, Immigration law and Tax Law.

We are a young, small and dynamic law firm, we however prefer being referred to as a civil organisation due to our particular interest in public interest litigation more especially the advancement of the rights of the poor and destitute.

We pride ourselves in being pioneers of change intent of fostering change, not only of mind sets and general public perception of young lawyers but the law profession in general. We journeyed on this daunting task of venturing into private practice for the advancement of social justice and the ultimate realisation of basic human rights for all.

A Few Of Our Services

Public Interest Litigation

We share a strong passion for the realisation, through justice.

Personal Injury Claims

We share a strong passion for the realisation, through justice.

Immigration Law

We share a strong passion for the realisation, through justice.

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For more information give us a call at 086 000 0349
